12234 The traffic was blocked by IPS    - publishing RDWEB

we have RDWEB and RD Gateway on same server,  we publish it via tmg and when client connect from external IP and run application, it starting and than  blocked with status 12234 The traffic was blocked by IPS,  when i add external client ip to NIS exeptions its wrking perfectly but without it, it not working,  how alloc clients to run published application without to add NIS EXeptions?


client side ---->>>


TMG Log ----->>>


p.s i cant upload images until (Body text cannot contain images or links until we are able to verify your account.)

May 18th, 2015 4:32am


Please check the steps in the following blog of publishing RD web access with RD gateway to see if you missed anything.

Microsoft Forefront TMG - Publishing RD Web Access with RD Gateway


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May 19th, 2015 2:02am

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